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Moving to USA

Sweet Land of Liberty

Moving to USA: The United States is a powerful country in politics, economics, and trade. It offers a diverse and welcoming environment for individuals from around the world. The US Dollar is a strong and influential currency. The country is abundant in land, which many use to construct their own homes outside the city. Whether you’re relocating for work, study, family reasons, or seeking new opportunities, the USA is a great option.

A Land of Opportunity: The United States is known as the “land of opportunity,” offering a wide range of opportunities for personal and professional growth. From bustling metropolises to picturesque landscapes, the USA boasts diverse cities, cultures, and experiences, making it an ideal destination for individuals seeking adventure and opportunity.

Living in America as an expat

Living in America as an expat can be a life-changing experience. It’s a popular destination with a diverse mix of communities, including Mexican, Spanish, Italian, African American, Puerto Rican, Indian, and Chinese.

While cities like New York City, San Francisco, and Los Angeles can be expensive, other areas offer more affordable living.

The USA has prestigious universities, colleges, and educational institutions, offering a wide range of academic programs and research opportunities. Expats with children can explore public, private, and international schools. It’s a great destination for students, trainee doctors, surgeons, dentists, and lawyers looking for career opportunities.

Health Insurance:

If you plan to move to the USA for an extended period, it’s crucial to have comprehensive medical insurance. Basic holiday coverage won’t suffice, as it may not cover all medical expenses and treatments. You’ll have access to quality medical care and protection against high healthcare costs with the right insurance. There are various types of health insurance options available.

  • Employer-Sponsored Insurance: Many employers offer health insurance coverage to their employees.
  • Marketplace Insurance: Individuals and families can purchase health insurance plans through the Health Insurance Marketplace, also known as Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act (ACA) marketplace.
  • Medicaid is a state and federally-funded program that provides free or low-cost health coverage to eligible low-income individuals and families.
  • Medicare is a federal health insurance program primarily for people age 65 and older, as well as certain younger individuals with disabilities.

Living cost comparison

The USA offers a high standard of living, with modern amenities, infrastructure, and services available in most urban and suburban areas. Expats can enjoy access to quality healthcare, education, transportation, entertainment, and recreational facilities.

The cost of housing varies widely depending on the location, type of accommodation, and amenities. Major cities tend to have higher housing costs compared to smaller cities and rural areas. Renting an apartment or house is common, with costs ranging from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars per month, depending on the size and location.

The cost of food and groceries varies depending on dietary preferences, shopping habits, and location. Generally, cooking meals at home can be more cost-effective than dining out. Food and drink in the US are available at reasonable prices, especially fast food and there is no shortage of restaurants and food outlets. Supermarkets, grocery stores, and farmers’ markets offer a range of options for purchasing food items at different price points. Clothes, utilities, and electrical goods are also fairly priced.


English is the de facto national language of the United States, widely used for government, business, education, and everyday communication. Although not explicitly designated as the official language at the federal level by law, a large percentage of the population speaks Spanish due to the influx of Spanish-speaking immigrants from across the border.


The US experiences different weather patterns across its regions. Eastern coast faces hurricanes and monsoons from August to October, yet the rest of the year is pleasant. The deep south has hot, muggy temperatures with little rain, while northern states and cities have a temperate climate with four distinct seasons.

Expat job and career opportunities

The USA has several tech hubs, including Silicon Valley in California, Seattle, Austin, and Boston. Los Angeles is the ideal destination for those seeking work in the entertainment industry.

New York City’s Wall Street is a global financial center, offering many job opportunities in banking, investment management, asset management, and fintech.

The USA is known for its world-renowned healthcare system and thriving life sciences industry. Expats with qualifications and experience in medicine, nursing, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and medical research can find jobs in hospitals, research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and healthcare organizations.

However, obtaining a work visa through your employer can sometimes be challenging. Despite this, the USA’s thriving economy, innovation hubs, and cultural diversity provide a vast range of possibilities for expats to advance their careers and pursue new opportunities.

Some of the useful websites are

USCIS (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services): www.uscis.gov
USCIS (USCIS offices for in-person assistance on immigration): www.uscis.gov/about-us/find-uscis-office
USCIS (A Guide for New Immigrants): www.uscis.gov/citizenship/new-americans/welcome-US-guide-new-immigrants
Department of State (Visas, passports, and travel advisories):www.travel.state.gov
USA.gov (Immigration and Citizenship): www.usa.gov/immigration-and-citizenship
IRS – International Taxpayers: www.irs.gov/individuals/international-taxpayers
Department of Labor (Foreign workers seeking employment): www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/foreign-labor
Department of Homeland Security (Information on immigration enforcement): www.ice.gov

ExpatExchange (Guides to visas, housing, healthcare): www.expatexchange.com
InterNations: www.internations.org
ExpatFocus (Banking, taxes, and education): www.expatfocus.com
Just Landed (Visas, housing, and Relocation assistance) : www.justlanded.com

New In Town: www.newintown.net

Key Facts Every Expat Must Know:

One should avoid..

Disregarding Noise Ordinances: Avoid excessive noise or disturbances that violate local noise ordinances or disturb your neighbors. Be mindful of loud music, parties, or construction activities that disrupt the neighborhood.

Neglecting Property Maintenance: Avoid neglecting property maintenance or allowing your property to become an eyesore. Keep your yard tidy, address exterior maintenance issues promptly, and avoid accumulating debris or clutter.

Ignoring Parking Regulations: Respect parking regulations and avoid parking in restricted areas, blocking driveways, or parking on sidewalks. Be considerate of your neighbors’ parking needs and ensure that your vehicles are parked legally and responsibly.

Stop for School Buses: Motorists must stop for school buses when their red lights are flashing and the stop arm is extended. This applies to vehicles traveling in both directions. Failure to stop for a school bus is a serious offense and can result in fines and penalties. Remember to always prioritize the safety of school children.